So You Want To Be A Unicorn: A Guide to Dating Polyamorous Couples
A unicorn is a person who is willing to join an existing couple to form a polyamorous triad. The label is most commonly used for single bisexual women who join heterosexual couples, but unicorns can be of any sexuality or relationship status.

Where Are The Non-FFM Polyamorous Triads?
A common complaint I see on the internet when it comes to polyamory is, “Why is it always one man and two women?”

Let’s Talk About ‘Revenge Dating’ in Polyamory
I’ve come across a toxic phenomenon in the polyamory community which I would like to call “revenge dating”, which is when you date someone for the sole purpose of taking revenge on, or manipulating, someone else.

Why You Should Disclose Polyamory in Your Dating Profiles
A very common new-to-poly question that is asked in polyamorous circles is when and how to bring up that you’re polyamorous to a potential date. The answer, in my opinion, is and should always be basically immediately, no questions asked.